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Asking a guy to dance
Posted by Rita_Gwen
2/5/2006  8:45:00 PM
This is a question solely to you, guys. I know that a lot of ladies have issues in this area. Do you think it is appropriate when a lady asks you to dance in social environment? It looks like there is a lot of prejudice on the subject and it would be interesting to gather some statistics on that.
Thank you,

Re: Asking a guy to dance
Posted by tc
2/6/2006  8:13:00 AM
Why not, the idea is to have a good time

If they say no, so what it is no big deal.

What do they go to a dance for if they do not want to dance?

Re: Asking a guy to dance
Posted by Gary718
2/6/2006  8:45:00 AM
Hi Rita, I always encourage ladies to ask for a dance. It's not unusual, even when you know someone and would like to dance with them, to find them away from their seat or already dancing when you think to ask then at end the evening realizing you didn't get to dance with them. Sometimes men would love to dance with someone but let their insecurities get in the way. Sometimes we are just distracted and too dumb to look around, and miss the opportunity to dance with you. Help us out, most of us will be happy that you asked.

Re: Asking a guy to dance
Posted by gtk8
11/16/2010  3:37:00 PM
it is so true i have been in that situation many times and could not agree less. girls ask guys, sometimes.
Re: Asking a guy to dance
Posted by dennis_t
2/6/2006  2:52:00 PM
Women defintely should ask, for several reasons. 1) I do not know of a single instance in which a man would decline a lady's invitation. 2) Some times the man ends up on the opposite side of the dance floor and have trouble getting to you. 3) Maybe we haven't noticed you because you're hiding in a corner. and 4) to show you care.

I want to stress #4. It's gentlemanly for a man to invite a lady to dance. I am happy to do the inviting but I do expect her to do the asking once in a while. If she never asks, I'll just assume she doesn't enjoy dancing with me and I'll stop asking her.

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